Spokane International Airport

Request for Proposals - Request for Qualifications



RFP for Cash to Credit Card Machines

RFP Document 

 Lease Agreement 


RFSQE for Federal Government Affairs Consulting Services

RFSQE Document 

Addenda No. 1


RFP for Aerospace Business Recruiting Consulting Services

RFP Document 


Request for Statements of Qualifications: Recruiting Services for Chief Executive Officer

Request for SOQ Document 

Responses to SOQ Questions 

Second Responses to SOQ Questions 


On-Call Architectural & Engineering Task Order Services

RFQ Document 

Informational Meeting Presentation


Website Design, Development and Maintenance Services 

RFP Document 

Revised RFP Document: Updated RFP with corrected date

Addendum No. 1: Responses to Questions 

Addendum No. 2: Responses to Questions Recieved After 9/16/2024

Addendum No. 3: Responses to additional questions 


Passenger Service Assistance, #24-40-9999-008​ 

RFP Document 

Addendum No. 1



RFQ Roster and Information

To be added to the A/E Consultant Roster please review the RFQ information below and submit a Statement of Qualification (SOQ) per the instructions. New and updated SOQ's are accepted throughout the year.